Are You Curious Enough?

Boost your learning, earning, and success

Happy Monday, reader!

Joe Paranteau here, and in this week’s newsletter, we're embarking on a journey of continuous growth in the dynamic realms of sales and cybersecurity.

Our focus?

Imagine reading 72 books in a year but only retaining a fraction of what you read. It’s what I did in 2023.

So how can we create and retain knowledge, safeguard our digital space, and hone the skills to command respect in every interaction? It’s all about evolving, adapting, and staying ahead of the pack.

In this issue, you can look forward to:

  • FUEL the fire 🔥: Discover how adopting Elon Musk’s learning strategies can revolutionize how you learn about your customers.

  • sales FLIGHT DECK🚀: Learn why creating mutual action plans and understanding the process will make you successful.

  • REVENUE overdrive⚙️: Explore the power of self-disclosure and storytelling in sales interactions to build trust and connect with customers.

  • PITCH points🎯: Tips on setting boundaries in sales situations to ensure respect and professionalism.

  • be SECURE 🔒: Equip yourself with crucial cyber skills and strategies to navigate the increasingly AI and ML-dominated cyber landscape of 2024.

Let’s get ready to tackle the week's challenges with newfound knowledge and strategies!

FUEL the fire 🔥

Learning Like Musk: Fueling Sales Success Through Curiosity


Adopting Elon Musk's learning strategies can revolutionize your sales approach. Be curious, dive deep into fundamentals, and continuously seek knowledge.

📰 Details:

What if we focus not just on the quantity but the quality of our learning, just like Elon Musk? He is someone who teaches himself complex topics with ease.

take time to develop your personal skilling plan

The way he learns is less about cramming and more about understanding the fundamentals and making connections between seemingly unrelated fields. His method isn't just about gathering information; it's about constructing a solid knowledge base, branching out, connecting different ideas, and applying them creatively. Like a tree trunk and branches - learning the core then branching out.

💡 Action It:

So, how can we apply this to sales?

First of all - Get curious about your customers. Understand their industry, their challenges, and their history. What makes them tick?

This isn't about having a superficial understanding; it's about building a deep, foundational knowledge that allows you to connect with your customers on a different level.

Think of it as constructing your knowledge tree, with the trunk being the core understanding of your customer's world and the branches representing the specific details that are relevant to them.

learn the fundamental core areas first, then branch out

This approach will improve your sales techniques and help you become a more effective and empathetic communicator.

How You Can Dive Deeper:

  1. Read Books, Articles, and Research: Don't just limit yourself to books; actively dive into articles and embrace the art of research for transformative knowledge. Acknowledge the unsung heroes in this journey: librarians and researchers. Their expertise in navigating vast information landscapes often leads to insights that others miss. In college and my professional life, I’ve gained deeper insights with the help of these often-overlooked professionals.

  2. Online Courses: Embrace the learning buffet the digital world offers. Platforms like Coursera and LinkedIn Learning host courses for every sales and marketing niche. These courses keep you updated with the latest trends and techniques, giving you a competitive edge. Actively allocate time for these courses and witness your understanding and strategies evolve.

  3. Peer Discussions: Immeasurable value lies in learning from peers. Actively engage in meaningful dialogues, whether online or in person. Share experiences, challenge ideas, and welcome different viewpoints. These interactions are more than conversations; they are brainstorming sessions that lead to innovative sales solutions and strategies. They remind us that we are all part of a larger, more dynamic sales community, each contributing to our collective knowledge pool.

Key point:

"Learning is not a passive activity. It's an active quest for knowledge, understanding, and connection. Dive deep, stay curious, and watch your sales skills flourish."

Joe Paranteau


In the quest for B2B sales success, it's crucial to actively analyze past victories and shape future ones. A pivotal strategy for this is the creation of mutual action plans with customers or prospects. By focusing on the process, we significantly enhance our chances of success.

This concept echoes the insights from a recent podcast featuring author Andy Friscella and host Tim Grover, where a key takeaway was the importance of focusing on the process rather than the outcome. They emphasized, “To be successful, you have to execute finite and small things daily, day after day. You must learn to fall in love with the process, understanding that this is the key to success.”

Incorporating this philosophy into your sales approach means paying close attention to every step of the customer journey, meticulously planning each interaction, and aligning your goals with your customers. This methodical approach ensures that both parties work towards a common objective, fostering a sense of partnership and shared commitment.

💡Implement this: Develop a detailed mutual action plan for each significant deal. Outline each step, define clear milestones, and ensure you and your customer are on the same page throughout the process. You lay the groundwork for repeated, compounding success by embracing the journey and loving the process.

REVENUE overdrive⚙️

In "REVENUE overdrive," we often discuss strategies and techniques to boost sales efficiency and productivity. However, an overlooked aspect is the power of self-disclosure in sales interactions to build trust.

The art of storytelling and sharing personal experiences can significantly enhance the connection with customers and prospects, paving the way for a smoother sales process.

I've realized that while customers are interested in hearing about successes, they often connect more deeply with the struggles. It humanizes the interaction and creates a space for mutual understanding.

Here's a story that illustrates this point: One of the most challenging deals in my career wasn’t the largest. It involved a customer who had a lot riding on success and was deeply afraid of failure. However, they were not open to sharing when I asked questions about their business. I needed a new approach.

To help them think through all the steps we needed to consider, I shared a story from my experience: a company that rushed into a technology project ahead of the Thanksgiving Black Friday sales. In haste, they skipped crucial steps like planning and developing a Proof of Concept (POC). The result was a system so effective at creating orders that it overwhelmed their processing capability, forcing them to shut down and start over.

Are you looking out for your customers?

This experience taught me the critical importance of not shortchanging the process and the value of being transparent when you see something not set up for success. Ultimately, you can’t take shortcuts on a highly complex road.

By sharing this story, I emphasized thoroughly understanding the vision of how their ideal business and technology processes will work.

It was a watershed moment. Both my sales team and the customer pledged to be accountable to each other, to pursue the project thoughtfully, and to voice any concerns.

This approach isn’t just about selling; it’s about building trust and ensuring open communication to cover all bases in the project.

Remember, in sales, your authenticity and willingness to share your experiences, both good and bad, can be powerful tools in establishing trust and fostering a successful partnership.

PITCH points🎯

How do you deal with someone who disrespects you?

Do you take unnecessary abuse that puts you in an inferior position?

It’s a very real issue in sales situations, with sellers often believing that they have to suck it up and take the abuse.

You don’t.

Try this. Set boundaries that instruct others how they should treat you.

If someone is verbally disrespecting you or your team members, politely say, “I’m willing to continue the conversation if we can talk professionally and respectfully.”

In doing so, you set conditional boundaries that are explicit.

Depending on the level of intensity, you might say, “I’d like to get on the same page when we can have this discussion with mutual respect.”

I once had a customer throw a dry eraser at me. My boss at the time was a great model, and he shared similar words, and we turned and left.


Building Cyber Vigilance in 2024: Skills and Strategies

The digital world of 2024 continues to be a dynamic and interconnected ecosystem, teeming with both opportunities and threats. As we traverse this digital jungle, the emergence of sophisticated cyber threats demands heightened vigilance and strategic preparedness.

most businesses have lost user credentials for an average of 220 days before they discover the breach

Essential Cyber Skills for 2024:

  1. Password Fortitude: In an age where data breaches are commonplace, crafting strong, unique passwords and embracing two-factor authentication is more crucial than ever. Consider it your first line of defense against digital predators.

  2. Software Savviness: Keeping your software and operating systems updated with the latest security patches is critical. These updates are like armor, protecting you from the vulnerabilities exploited by cyber attackers.

  3. Email Vigilance: With phishing attempts becoming increasingly sophisticated, it’s vital to scrutinize every email. Think twice before clicking on links or downloading attachments, even from familiar sources.

  4. Social Media Smarts: The information you share online can be a treasure trove for cybercriminals. Be mindful of your digital footprint and the potential risks of oversharing.

  5. Backup Bonanza: Regular data backups are akin to lifeboats in the digital sea. They ensure that you can recover quickly from data loss incidents, like a computer crash or ransomware attack.

AI and ML in Cybersecurity:

The integration of AI and ML into our lives has profound implications for cybersecurity:

  • Social Engineering Attacks: AI tools enable sophisticated social engineering attacks using personalized and convincing content, including phishing and spear-phishing. You see this on Facebook when one of your friends is commenting on a story of someone who passed away that you might know. You’re concerned, so you click on it and trigger an exploit.

  • Voice and Video Impersonation: AI's ability to replicate voices or create convincing video content poses new challenges in verifying the authenticity of digital interactions.

  • AI-Generated Phishing and Adverts: Flawless, genuine-seeming phishing emails and personalized fraudulent adverts are becoming more common, thanks to AI's advanced capabilities.

Staying Secure from AI-Based Threats:

adopt new security methods and stay informed

  • Educate and Train: Awareness is key. Individuals and businesses must educate themselves and their employees about emerging cyber threats and best practices.

  • Use Phishing-Resistant MFA: Implementing multi-factor authentication, such as physical security keys like the YubiKey, can significantly reduce the risk of phishing and remote attacks.

  • Limit Social Media Exposure: Keeping social media profiles private and being cautious about what you share can help limit the information available to cyber criminals.

  • Adopt Advanced Authentication Solutions: As traditional verification methods become less reliable, adopting FIDO2 authenticators can provide stronger security against sophisticated attacks.

In 2024, as the cyber threat landscape continues to evolve with AI and ML technologies, staying informed, prepared, and proactive is imperative for safeguarding our digital lives. Embrace these strategies and tools to navigate the digital jungle with confidence and security.

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